Skills for Academic Success

Skills for Academic Success (SAS)

Academic skills support and advice for all students from foundation to PhD.

Welcome to Team SAS

Our team of experienced advisers are on hand to support you throughout your studies across an extensive range of academic skills. 

You can book an appointment with one of our advisers or Royal Literary fund Fellows, attend one of our skills sessions, access our SkillBuilder pre-recorded videos, or check our helpful study guides. 

Whatever your academic skills needs, get in touch with the team today!

Updates and Exciting news!

Extended hours!

We are now offering extended appointment slots on Mondays - Thursdays 0800 - 0900 and 1700 - 1800! These are bookable as on-campus or online sessions at Canterbury and online only for our Medway students.

Group Appointments!

From 28 January, you and your colleagues will be able to book a group appointment for between two - four students. Booking slots will be available every Tuesday afternoon, 3pm - 4pm. 

Events and workshops

The Skills for Academic Success team provide a wide range of events and workshops for students both on campus and online. These include skills and numeracy workshops as well as exams and revision events. 

Book an appointment

Peer Assisted Learning

Would you like some help from a student from a stage above you? Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) Leaders aim to support your learning and help build your confidence when embarking on modules that are new to you.

Or maybe you could volunteer your time to help support other students through the PAL scheme.  

Contact the Skills for Academic Success team

To book online appointments visit S.A.S CONNECT


We are based in the UELT Building, adjacent to the Security and Transport Centre.


Telephone: 01227 824016


We are based on the second floor of the Medway Building M2-31.


Telephone: 01634 888884