In addition to our maths, financial maths and statistics appointments (clinics) and SkillBuilder Numeracy and Stats videos (entry level for STEM subjects), you may wish to access the following online maths, statistics and pharmacy calculations guides to help develop your knowledge and skills in these areas.
For introductions to a wide range of maths topics click on maths centre. The following is a sheet of useful maths, facts and formulae:
Financial maths
For guidance (pdf format) on a few common financial maths topics, click the relevant link below:
For introductions to a wide range of statistics topics click on stats tutor.
The following is a useful guide to Probability and Statistics:
Pharmacy calculations
Pharmacy Calculations - At A Glance by University of Kent - Skills for Academic Success Team is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Document list
Amount Strenghts PPT 334KB
C1V1=C2V2 PPT 405KB
Concentrated Waters PPT 481KB
Converting Strengths PPT 418KB
Diluting a Percentage Solution.pptx PPT 368KB
Formulations PPT 364KB
Half-lives PPT 364KB
Increasing a Percentage Solution PPT 418KB
Mixing Concentrations PPT 333KB
Multiple Dilutions PPT 344KB
Percentage Strengths PPT 408KB
Prescriptions (1) PPT 670KB
Prescriptions (2) PPT 414KB
Prevalence PPT 328KB
Ratio Strengths PPT 458KB
Serial Dilutions PPT 388KB
Units & Strengths PPT 599KB