Your Uni, Your Say - University of Kent

Your Uni Your Say

It is quick and easy to give feedback and you can help make a positive change for all students

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Mica Rose and Lulu Collins discussing student voice at Kent

Student Voice at Kent

Getting your voice heard at Kent - how, what and why is it important?

Student Voice Forums

Student Voice Forums are for students on each programme to voice opinions, concerns, and make suggestions about your educational experience. The main goal is to enhance communication between students and staff, to foster collaboration and improve academic student life. Student Voice Forums are made up of Kent Students' Union trained Student Representatives, supported by an academic chair and, where appropriate, a student co-chair. Each forum is organised and documented by the Student Experience Team and usually take place between weeks 4 and 8.

The forums help identify and address key issues impacting the student experience, serve as a consultative body for university policies, and promote inclusivity within the student community. Regular meetings are scheduled throughout the academic year, allowing student representatives to discuss feedback and propose actionable solutions. Representatives gather input from fellow students, actively engage with staff at the forums and communicate updates. Forum discussions and outcomes are reported to relevant university committees, with periodic reviews of its structure to ensure its effectiveness.

Kent Students' Union

Independent of the university, Kent Students' Union act as the voice of all Kent students. A students’ union is responsible for supporting you during your time at university and to make sure your voice is heard.  

Featured story

students discussing Education Modernisation changes

Acting on student feedback

Education Modernisation at Kent: what do students think of changes coming in 2025/26

How your feedback has made a difference at Kent in 2024

In response to feedback from students in lots of different ways including surveys, Student Voice Forums and Student Reps, the University and Kent Students' Union have worked together to bring these changes.

Accommodation and Catering

  • Frozen our lowest accommodation prices for 3 years and maintained a ladder of rents, ensuring choice and help provide cheaper accommodation.
  • Introduced a ResLife programme for on-campus accommodation to help you settle into your new home, find your feet and make friends.
  • ResLife, in collaboration with KSU, introduced free sanitary products in campus launderettes.
  • Catering on campus (including cheaper options) are currently being reviewed with outcomes due Jan 2025.

Library and IT

  • Available study rooms are now easier to find with our new Study Spaces webpage.
  • Introduced a 'Student Shapers' programme where students actively collaborate on projects focused on enhancing their campus spaces (study and recreational) and improving our Library and IT services and support.
  • Redesigned the C2 study area to enhance it as a cosy space with bean bags, low lighting etc providing more secluded places in the library.
  • Made it easier for students to access bookable Library spaces these through the Templeman Library booking system.
  • Improved access to core reading with row-end signage


  • Worked with Stagecoach to provide new UniRider tickets covering Term 1 and Term 2, providing more discount options especially for those starting in January.
  • Changed the Campus Shuttle operator to Zeelo and have received positive feedback from passengers who given it a rating of 4.8/5.
  • Reopened the Cycle Hub with with the Canterbury Bike Project, providing free bicycle checks, as well as, repairs, hire and sale of bicycles.


  • Launched My Kent, a dedicated student website specifically for current students to provide quicker and easier access to relevant information.
  • Increased representation of international students with Kent Students' Union through the creation of an International Student Advisory Board as part of the International Student Voices project.

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