Library/Nexus Desk Drop-ins
'What's wrong with my assignment?' (Canterbury campus only)
Are you struggling to ‘fix’ your assignment draft but just can’t work out what is wrong?
Perhaps you have received feedback on a submission, suggesting improvements, but you need help understanding how to apply them?
Seek advice from the Skills for Academic Success team at the Skills hot desk by Nexus!
Further information and conditions:
- You will be able to visit an SAS adviser at the Nexus Desk in the Templeman Library without an appointment.
- The Skills hot desk will run every Wednesday between 1300 – 1400 throughout the following dates:
Wednesday 22 January – Wednesday 19 February
Wednesday 12 March – Wednesday 2 April
- Each appointment will be scheduled for 15 minutes and will be available at the following times:
1300 – 1315
1315 – 1330
1330 – 1345
1345 – 1400
- If you arrive at the same time as another student, you will need to wait until the next available slot.
- Drop-ins are for quick queries; for example a brief appraisal of the structure/coherence of an assignment or a referencing ‘health check’.
- Appointments will be restricted to 15 minutes. Please bear in mind that advisers normally need a bit of time in advance of seeing students to peruse their work in order to provide meaningful feedback. Consequently, if the support you are seeking is likely to take more than 15 minutes, you might be advised to book a normal 45 minute appointment for as soon as possible.
Study advice with Learning Advisers
We offer online and face-to-face appointments to support you with a wide range of topics, such as:
- Academic writing e.g. research, critical analysis, argument, academic language, structure, referencing
- Organisation and time management
- Reading and note-taking techniques
- Avoiding plagiarism and referencing
- Presentation skills (verbal and visual)
- Revision and exams techniques
- ...and much more
We are now offering extended appointment slots,
Mondays - Thursdays between 0800 - 0900 and 1700 - 1800!
Writing advice (Royal Literary Fund Fellows)
RLF Writing Fellows are professional writers employed by the Royal Literary Fund to offer confidential, independent advice on written assignments to all University of Kent students. They can help with:
- Unpacking the question/topic
- Confidence building in writing
- Planning and structuring
- Use of language and clarity
- Grammar and punctuation
- Editing your own work
Matt Killeen
(Canterbury) - Mondays and Tuesdays.
Email to arrange an appointment.
Find out more about Matt's background as a Young Adult Writer.
Ben Cottam
(Canterbury) - Thursdays and Fridays.
Email to arrange an appointment.
Find out more about Ben's background in radio, TV and screenwriting.
Maths, financial maths & statistics
The Skills for Academic Success team runs clinics offering comprehensive advice and guidance on maths, financial maths and statistics:
- Wednesdays from 13:00 to 17:00
- Online appointments
- During Autumn and Spring Terms, with limited service during the Summer Term
How to book
To make an appointment for either clinic, please book online through S.A.S. CONNECT
Maths and Stats Resources
Maths resources -
Stats resources -
Group Appointments
The Skills for Academic Success Team are now offering appointments for small groups between two – four students*.We are currently offering one appointment slot per week and online only**.
Please book via S.A.S. CONNECT as follows:
- On the main appointments page, click on 'Book' and choose 'Appointments'.
- On the Appointments page choose 'View group appointments'.
- On the next page you will have a choice of dates and times.
- Each student in the group must book. Please ensure you choose the same slot.
*If you are working in a group of five or six, please contact SAS directly at
**If this service proves popular, we will increase the number of appointment slots per week. We can also accommodate in-person group appointments. Please contact directly