Exam results

When will my exam results be released?

We will email you when your results are ready to view in KentVision so keep an eye on your student emails on your results day. Result release dates are listed below:


Foundation year: Tuesday 9 July 2024

Stage 1: Tuesday 9 July 2024

Stage 2: Monday 8 July 2024

Final year: Tuesday 25 June 2024

KMMS: By Tuesday 6 August 2024

Diploma: Tuesday 25 June 2024

Postgraduate Taught (Stage 1): Monday 1 July 2024

Postgraduate Taught (Finalist): Monday 1 July 2024

Resit results

Foundation year Education directorate - IFP, HSS, KBS, Law Foundation Stage 0: Tuesday 3 September 2024

Undergraduate: Thursday 5 September 2024

Postgraduate Taught (finalist): Monday 14 October 2024

If your course did not involve any exams, your formal results will be made available to you from the above dates.

If you are on a foundation course with International Programmes, some of the following information will be different for you. International Programmes will email you ahead of results day to confirm these details.   

How do I view my results?

Your exam results will be available to view in KentVision - please see our guidance on how to view your results.

Finalists and the Graduate Immigration Route

If you are a sponsored student (Student/Tier 4 visa holder) and you intend to apply for the Graduate Route, the Student Immigration Compliance Team will report your successful completion to the Home Office. The team will confirm this to you via email, after your results are released.

Please find more information on our Graduate Immigration Route page.

Terminology definitions


If your mark is "capped at the pass mark", this means that you will be unable to get more than 40 as an Undergraduate student and, usually, 50 as a Postgraduate student, even if the mark given by the examiners exceeds this. If your mark is uncapped, you will receive the mark the examiners allocate to your work.


This is the process by which credit may be awarded for a narrowly failed module on the basis of  achievement of course learning outcomes.


This is the process by which credit may be awarded for failed modules where there is evidence that failure was due to illness or other mitigating circumstances and that course learning outcomes have been achieved.


The decision on grounds of mitigation to allow you to undertake reassessment for a module or modules as if for the first time (ie an uncapped attempt), or as appropriate, as if for the second time (a capped attempt which does not count towards your maximum resit/repeat attempts).

Failed modules

Failed modules are where your module mark for a module is below the pass mark for the module. An Undergraduate module pass mark is usually 40, and a Postgraduate module pass mark is usually 50.

Penalised attempt

An attempt at a module where the maximum module mark you can achieve is the pass mark for the module. An Undergraduate module pass mark is usually 40, and a Postgraduate module pass mark is usually 50. This is also known as "capped".


Means to retake an exam. For more information, we have further resit exam FAQs below and a resit webpage.


Means to re-do and resubmit a piece of work. You will not receive any further tuition for that module in either case.


Means that you need to attend all lectures and seminars and follow the full assessment requirements. All the previous marks that you achieved for the module(s) that you are repeating will be removed and replaced with the marks from your repeat. You will also need to pay tuition fees. Tuition fee costs are calculated on the number of credits you repeat - please contact the Income Office for more details.


Sometimes if you fail a module, you can be allowed to continue to the next stage of your degree but complete the failed module from the lower stage at the same time. This can have funding implications so we recommend you contact the Income Office to discuss this. It is not permitted to trail a Stage 1 module to the final stage of your course.

Unpenalised attempt

An attempt at a module where the student can achieve the mark allocated by the examiner. This is also known as "uncapped".

Exam result FAQs

If you fail an exam during the main May - June exam period, you may be given the chance to take the exam again in August.

Full information can be found on the resit webpage. Please also read the below FAQ.

If you are referred for resit exams/resubmission of coursework from May/June 2023 exam boards or August 2023 resit exam boards, you will be liable for resit fees (use the "miscellaneous fees" tab to view resit fees).

Resit fees only apply to students who are referred for reassessment with penalty. Students who are deferred for reassessment without penalty are not liable for resit fees.

If you are experiencing financial hardship, please see what help is available on our financial support webpages.

Every module has a predetermined reassessment method. This is published in the module specification, which can be found in the module catalogue.

The predetermined reassessment method will be either like-for-like or 100% reassessment.

Like-for-like means that each of the failed components will be reassessed.

100% reassessment means that all the previous marks you obtained will be disregarded and the module will be reassessed by an exam, coursework or a project (as detailed in the module specification). The new results will constitute 100% of the marks for that module.

Each failed module will require you to undertake a specific task that will be listed on Moodle.

Resits are important and should take priority over something like a holiday or a job. If you don’t take your resits, you may not be able to move to the next stage and this will also have financial implications.

If you have extenuating circumstances that prevent you from attending your exams, you can submit an extenuating circumstances request. Kent Union Advice Service can help you with filling in the application form, and have more information on their extenuating circumstances webpage.

If you are not able, or do not wish, to take up the opportunity of resitting/resubmitting the modules in August, you may choose to repeat the failed credits. You should note that if you do elect to repeat rather than undertake resits/resubmissions in August, you will not be able to proceed to your next stage of study until you have retrieved all of your failed credits. Please note that it is not possible to repeat modules that you have already passed in order to improve your marks.

If you opt to repeat, your final module marks will be capped at the pass mark unless otherwise stated.

You are advised to check with your funding provider or the Financial Aid Office regarding financial support before confirming your intention to repeat.

If you decide that you wish to repeat rather than resit or resubmit, please email your Division's Programme Administration team within ten days of your results being published.

Please contact your Division's Programme Administration team for details of your resit tasks and deadlines.

It is your responsibility to keep in touch with your Division and ensure you know what is required by when to retrieve the failed credit.  

You are permitted two* attempts to retrieve failed credits. Your letter will clearly state if this is your final opportunity.

* You should note that if you are a Postgraduate student who is permitted to resubmit the dissertation element of a taught postgraduate course, you may resubmit the dissertation on one occasion only.  

If you are applying for funding via the Student Loans Company, please ensure that you update your application to show the correct stage of study and fee. To make amendments, login to your Student Loans account and select ‘Change your application’.

If you are repeating less than 120 credits, you are classed as a full time student studying on a part time basis, and you should complete a full time application form.

Please contact Kent Union to discuss your eligibility for funding and any queries regarding fees.

No, this is not possible. The Credit Framework specifies that degree classifications are to be based on the original mark achieved (or the capped mark if the module was resat).

The only exception to this is where students are permitted a deferral on pass for reasons of extenuation where the final mark(s) achieved for the affected module(s) are significantly out of line with the final marks achieved for the unaffected modules. "Significantly out of line" means that the module mark is two degree classifications below the average of your unaffected modules.

You may choose to repeat different modules as long as your Subject Requirements are met.

If a module you have been asked to repeat is not running in the next academic year, you must take advice from your Division's Programme Administration team in order to select an alternative module.

If you are resitting/resubmitting not in attendance you may not change your modules.

This may be possible under exceptional circumstances. Where you have failed fewer than 25% of the credits for your stage, the Board of Examiners may allow you to proceed to the next stage of the course, providing you pass the previously failed modules at the next opportunity. This option, known as "trailing", is at the discretion of the Board of Examiners and is usually only considered after the August resits. If you are permitted to trail credits in this way, it will be specifically stated on your results letter.

If you are allowed to trail credits and then fail them for a third time, you will be required to withdraw from your course regardless of how good your results are at the following stage.

To view your marks for a trailing module, click on the My Marks functionality in KentVision.  

No, this is not possible. Every care is taken to ensure that marks used to classify degree awards are complete and correct. Exam papers are marked anonymously and are then second marked and scrutinised by an internal moderator. Additionally, final results are agreed by External Examiners who have a broad remit which includes scrutiny of all papers set to ensure that the questions and marking is fair and represents a true reflection of a student's achievement, as well as moderating a sample students' work.

Details of how marks are awarded and assessed may be found in the Credit Framework for Taught Programmes. We are determined not to disadvantage students when implementing regulatory changes, and will ensure that students achieve the best results possible in accordance with all conventions available.  

You will need to check your Inclusive Learning Plan (ILP) for the provisions that you have been given. You can appeal on one of the following grounds:

  • administrative, clerical or procedural error
  • illness or other extenuating circumstance
  • prejudice or bias

Technical issues are not grounds for an appeal.

You should firstly make an informal appeal which needs to be submitted within 7 calendar days of receiving your results.  If this is not successful, you can make a formal appeal within 28 days of receiving your results.

You can contact Kent Union  Advice Service for more information and for support with your appeal. There is more information on both the University of Kent appeals webpage and Kent Union's appeals webpage.

Yes, you are able to get exam feedback. Please speak to your module convenor in the first instance.

Please refer to the examination feedback policy for full information.

If you are unable to repeat your failed modules, you may choose to resit or resubmit in May/June of the next academic year. You would not be allowed to attend classes or receive tuition or support in the intervening period and accordingly, would not pay tuition fees. We recommend that you discuss this with your Division's Programme Administration team to ensure that this is the best option for you.

There are some modules which are not available to resit, and must be repeated. These include, but are not limited to, science modules involving practical and laboratory sessions.

If you decide to resit or resubmit rather than repeat, please email your Division's Programme Administration team within ten days of your results being published.

Referral as a penalised attempt means that you have been given the opportunity to undertake further assessment to try and retrieve the credit from any modules you have failed.

The final module mark will be capped at the pass mark of 40% for undergraduate modules (modules at levels three to six) and 50% for postgraduate modules (modules at levels 7), which means that even if you achieve a result higher than this, your final module mark will still show as the pass mark on your transcript.

Deferrals as an unpenalised attempt are offered where you have failed due to illness or other extenuating circumstances. The previous attempt will be disregarded and the resit attempt will be considered as if it was the first time that you had attempted the module.

If you are sitting as for the first time, your final module mark will not be capped.

If you are sitting for the second time (either submitting coursework or sitting an exam), the previous attempt will be disregarded and you will be permitted to retrieve the credits with a penalised mark, but without incurring a further reduction in the number of permitted attempts.

Your final module mark will be capped at the pass mark of 40% for undergraduate modules (modules at levels three to six) and 50% for postgraduate modules (modules at levels 7).

You are strongly advised to seek a speedy resolution directly with your Division in the first instance (known as Early Resolution). You should contact the Division's Office of the Board of Examiners which made the decision that requires investigation and clarification. You should do so within seven calendar days from the date when the full transcript of your results following a Board of Examiners meeting is first made available to you on KentVision. Your Division will respond to you within 14 calendar days.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your early resolution attempt, you may wish to make a formal academic appeal against the recommendation of the Board of Examiners. You should aim to submit your formal appeal within seven calendar days of the outcome from the Division. You have a maximum period of 28 calendar days from the publication of your results to enter the formal appeals process.

See the academic appeals policy and the academic appeals website for more information.

Submitting something you have submitted before is considered self plagiarism. Equally, unless you are doing group work, all work submitted should be your own. Find out more about plagiarism.

If you need support with an academic misconduct problem, please contact Kent Union Advice Service, who also have additional information about plagiarism.

You will be notified in writing of the Board of Examiners' decision, which will be available on KentVision. In the outcome, you may:

  • Be offered a further opportunity to resit/resubmit the failed credits in May/June of the following year. You would not be permitted to attend classes, nor be eligible to receive tuition payments.
  • Be offered the opportunity to repeat the failed credits. Please read the "what happens to my funding if I repeat?" FAQ.
  • Not be offered a further opportunity to resit or repeat, but be required to leave the University permanently, in which case your student status would be cancelled. This decision can be made due to insufficient engagement with your studies, as set out in the Student Attendance and Engagement Policy.

In all cases, your Divisional Student Engagement team or academic advisor will be able to give more specific guidance.

Yes, rooms are available on the Canterbury campus. Check out their rooms available during resits for full information.

There is no set funding that you can apply for to cover returning to campus for resits, but you may be apply to the Exceptional Hardship fund (EHF).

Yes. The deadline to apply for a new or updated exam arrangements in your Inclusive Learning Plan (ILP) is Wednesday 10 July 2024 for the resit period.

You may be required to provide medical evidence therefore we encourage you to get in contact as soon as possible.

Please contact Student Support and Wellbeing.

If you have any concerns, worries or issues regarding your results or what to do next please contact the Kent Union Advice Service for support.

If you are feeling upset following your results and need emotional support, please contact Student Support and Wellbeing, who can support you in dealing with difficult news.

If you would like to talk to someone about the impact of this outcome on your career plans, the Careers and Employability Service provides one to one bookable appointments.

For specific academic advice, contact your academic advisor. You may also find the information on the Student Learning Advisory Service website helpful. Should you have more general questions about support, your Divisional Student Engagement Support Officer can help.

Transcripts are an official record of a student's academic achievement whilst studying at the University and include a breakdown of all modules taken and results attained for a specific course of study. Our video explains how to read your transcript.

The Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR) provides a single comprehensive record of a student's achievements, including verified extra curricular activities, prizes and employability awards, voluntary work and offices held in student union clubs and societies. Please note that HEARs will not be available to graduates from 2021 onwards. Our video explains how to read your HEAR

Contact your Division in the first instance if you want to query your marks or are unsure of what this means for you.

Last updated