Using Turnitin

Turnitin is the originality checking software we use at the University of Kent.

How does it work? 

  • Turnitin is a text-matching software which provides a report on whether a student's work is original (no matching text) or unoriginal. 
  • Submitted work is matched against a database of previously submitted work from every institution which subscribes to Turnitin, including international institutions; current and archived internet pages and databases of journals and periodicals. 
  • Each instance of matching text will be examined individually for full and correct referencing. 

Guidance on using the Turnitin and Moodle software is available at the E-Learning website. 

An online module has been created to help support students in their learning online. The module is divided into themes and topics such as using Moodle, KentPlayer and Microsoft Teams, as well as online study skills.

How to submit your work to a Turnitin assignment and view your marked work is included.

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