List of Terms

Below are some definitions of terms that may be used when discussing cases of Academic Misconduct.

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Students have a responsibility to act with honesty, integrity and fairness in completing assessment requirements in relation to their course of study. Such academic integrity plays a positive role in student development both during study and when moving into employment. Where breaches of academic integrity occur this is considered to be academic misconduct.

Each Division will establish one or more Academic Misconduct Committee(s) to consider cases of alleged academic misconduct. Committees shall consist of three academic members of the Division, one of whom shall be appointed as Chair, and one student representative to be nominated by Kent Union.     

All types of academic misconduct are considered under the principle of strict liability. This means that whether a student intended to commit an academic misconduct offence or not, is not of relevance.     

The standard of proof used for academic misconduct is the balance of probabilities. This means that decisions on allegations of academic misconduct will be based on whether the Chair of the Academic Misconduct Committee believes, given the information available, it is more likely that the allegation is true, or untrue. 

Turnitin is the originality checking software used at the University of Kent.  

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