Good Academic Practice

Good academic practice refers to the process of completing your academic work independently and honestly, using good referencing and acknowledging all of your sources.

Achieving good academic practice involves:

  • Developing your own independent evaluation of academic issues. 
  • Drawing upon research from academics in your field of study. 
  • Discussing and evaluating existing concepts and theories. 
  • Demonstrating your understanding of the key literature. 
  • Developing your own arguments.

Throughout your course of study you will develop:

  • Study skills (eg reading, note-taking, research etc). 
  • Critical enquiry and evaluation (eg balanced opinion, reasoning and argument). 
  • Appropriate academic writing (eg essays, reports, dissertations etc).
  • Referencing skills (eg when and how to reference).  
  • Exam techniques (eg preparation, timing, etc).  

Academic Skills Training

The Skills for Academic Success team offer a range of guides and videos to support you in your studies.


Referencing is a method for acknowledging sources. Failure to reference correctly can result in your assignment being flagged for plagiarism. 

Different disciplines use different referencing systems, it is important to find out which referencing system you are expected to follow from your subject tutors. 

For more information on referencing and referencing styles visit the Cite Them Right guide.

Last updated