Policies and Procedures

Policies surrounding Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity for students and staff at the University of Kent.

Student General Guidelines and Policies

Staff General Guidelines and Policies 

EDI Policy 

The EDI Policy in combination with all other relevant policies and procedures of the University, seeks to ensure that people are not privileged or subject to less favourable treatment on the grounds of sex, age, disability, race, marital or civil partnership status, sexual orientation, religion or belief, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, national origin, Trades Union membership, type of contract (whether full time, part time or fixed term). 

Dignity at Work Policy

The University of Kent is committed to fostering a positive working environment where all employees are treated fairly, with dignity, courtesy, respect and consideration. All staff have a responsibility to create an environment that is free from harassment, bullying, unlawful discrimination and victimisation  The Policy outlines our commitment to developing an environment that offers dignity and respect at work and the types of behaviour which fall within the scope of this policy and support services available.

Guidance on Behavioural Misconduct

Procedural Guide for Preventing and Dealing with Behavioural Misconduct during academic activities in a non-University setting 

This document provides guidance on behavioural misconduct and what to do if behavioural misconduct occurs during academic activities in a non-university setting (e.g., research or teaching field trips, conferences). The purpose of this document is to supplement existing University policies (e.g. Dignity at Work Policy, Respect at Kent, Guidance for Students who have been Sexually Assaulted or Raped, Guidance for Staff when Responding to an Incident of Sexual Assault or Rape, Personal Relationships Policy) related to behavioural misconduct and particularly sexual misconduct, by providing additional guidance for students and staff when, due to the off-campus location, following existing on-campus procedures may not be possible or appropriate.   

Please note that the links within this document are broken and are in the process of being updated.

Disability in Employment Policy

Disability in Employment - Policy and Procedure

The overall purpose of this policy is to develop and maintain a working environment which is supportive and inclusive of current and prospective employees, whether they are currently disabled or may become disabled in the future. The University seeks to offer terms and conditions of service which will enable suitably qualified persons with a disability to seek and maintain employment with the University wherever practicable.

Flexible Working Policies

The University provides a range of formal flexible working options that enable staff to balance the needs of their work and home life effectively and which can be formally requested via the flexible working process.

Family Friendly Practices

The University of Kent strives to make working for staff with, or starting a family, as easy as possible. To this end we have a number of established policies for family situations including:

There is also a Family Friendly Leave Checklist to guide staff and managers when planning periods of leave for example maternity, adoption or shared parental leave.

Harassment: Further Reading

Tackling racial harassment - Universities challenged

Consultation on harassment and sexual misconduct in higher education

Sexual harassment and harassment at work

Preventing sexual harassment at work guide

Tackling Racial Harassment in Higher Educations 

Last updated