With Online Module Registration opening soon we wanted to reminder you of the changes to the selection process. These changes are being made following student feedback on how students want to study and how to improve your experience at Kent.
We’ve been in touch previously letting you know about the changes to term times, starting this coming September. The 2025/26 academic year will change to three 10-week terms, instead of the current two 12-week terms and a 6-week assessment term. As we updated last summer, the way you select and take your modules will be changing.
Generally, from September 2025 you’ll study two 20 credit modules in each of the three terms, (four terms for Postgraduates) or sometimes larger modules will be studied across multiple terms. The amount of teaching you receive, and broad module content will remain the same, but with the assessments within each term rather than the end of the academic year.
When Online Module Registration opens (Monday 24 March – Friday 4 April) you will need to select your modules for the next academic year based on your Subject Requirements. Most students will be able to choose from a selection of Optional Modules, which will continue to feature popular topics. If your modules are all compulsory they will be added automatically, and you will not be required to take part in OMR.
Find out more
For full information check the Online Module Registration guidance including Subject Requirements, Exemptions and an FAQ section. You can read more about the Education Modernisation changes here.
You can also drop us a line at csao@kent.ac.uk if you want to talk it through.