The Undergraduate Stages 1 & 2+ and Postgraduate Taught Subject Requirements are produced and published annually, prior to the relevant module registration period.
Before viewing your Subject Requirements, please read the useful information and then click on the link for your subject area underneath the school/department heading.
Finding your school or department name
If you do not know the name of your school/department, you can find this information on KentVision under My Details and then My Course Details.
Useful information
Please ensure that you have read our understanding your modules guide, which also gives information on Year In courses.
It is very important that you read this information before you decide which modules you want to take.
- Full time Undergraduate students must study 120 credits at each stage.
- At least 90 Credits must be taken at Level 6 during Stage 3 (or Stage 4 in 4 stage programmes) to be eligible for an Undergraduate Honours degree.
- Students are expected to register for 40 credits in each term unless explicitly stated otherwise.
- If a module is available at both Levels 5 and 6, then Stage 2 students should take the Level 5 and Stage 3 the Level 6. Students cannot take both versions of the same module.
- Undergraduate Joint honours students must have a minimum of 100 credits in each subject across stages 2 and 3.
- Modules may be subject to entry requirements or prerequisites. Please refer to the online Module Catalogue for full details of all modules.
- Please note that module entry may be subject to random removal if oversubscribed. Modules may be cancelled in the event of low recruitment.
- Full details of each course can be found on the course specification.
- It is ultimately your responsibility to ensure that you are registered for the correct modules for your course.
- Once timetables are released at the start of term, it is your responsibility to check your timetable to ensure your modules do not clash.
The information is correct at the time of publication. However, that if a module recruits fewer than 8 students it is possible that it will not run. In this event, you will be contacted and asked to select an alternative module.
School of Computing
School of Engineering, Mathematics and Physics
School of Arts and Architecture
Architecture (including Graphic Design, Spatial & Interior Design)
Arts (including Art History, Drama, Film, Media)
School of Psychology
School of Economics and Politics & International Relations
School of Social Sciences
Kent Law School
School of Humanities
Kent Business School
School of Natural Sciences
Centre for the Study of Higher Education
Global and Lifelong Learning
The above page also includes Subject Requirements for the:
- Centre for Higher Degree Apprenticeships (CHDA)
- Centre for Professional Practice (CPP)
Language Centre
Language Centre (including English Language and Linguistics, Comparative Literature, Modern Languages)
Kent and Medway Medical School
University of Kent International College
Year In
You may be interested in taking a ‘Year In’, where you can spend a period abroad or on work placement. The University offers the following:
Year in Computing
Full details of a Year in Computing
2024/2025 Year in Computing Subject Requirements
2025/2026 Year in Computing Subject Requirements
Year in Data Analytics
Full details of a Year in Data Analytics
2024/2025 Year in Data Analytics Subject Requirements
2025/2026 Year in Data Analytics Subject Requirements
Year in Journalism (delivered at Medway)
Full details of a Year in Journalism
2024/2025 Year in Journalism Subject Requirements
Year in a Language
Full details of a Year in Languages
2024/2025 Year in a Language Subject Requirements
2025/2026 Year in a Language Subject Requirements - not yet available
Year in Management
Full details of a Year in Management
2024/2025 Year in Management Subject Requirements
2025/2026 Year in Management Subject Requirements
Year in Television and Online Broadcasting (delivered at Medway)
Full details of a Year in Television and Online Broadcasting
2024/2025 Year in Television and Online Broadcasting Subject Requirements
2025/2026 Year in Television and Online Broadcasting Subject Requirements
Extra-curricular, co-curricular, study abroad and work placements
For guidance on extra-curricular and co-curricular activities that will enhance your employability and develop the skills prized by graduate employers, see Kent Extra. This also includes information about Study abroad and work placements.
Please note: Full time undergraduate students must take 120 credits per year. If you want to drop a module, you must replace it with module(s) of the same value.
Modules with limited availability
The following list shows modules with limited availability, and is for guidance only. It will be updated regularly and was correct at the time of publication but some information may become out of date quickly depending on student selections.
Legacy courses
The following are legacy departments, to access the archived Subject Requirements please use the links below:
Brussels School of International Studies
Department of Asian Studies and Religious Studies