Find out how you can start a career in Actuarial work. Here we list potential job roles and some of the leading companies in that sector.
Job roles
- Actuarial Careers: Explore career options in finance, insurance and consultancy
- Institute and Faculty of Actuaries: Careers advice and links to research companies
- Insurance Careers: Guide to the Insurance Profession
- Target Jobs: Insurance Underwriter job profile
- Prospects: Actuarial Analyst job profile
- All About Careers: A day in the life of a Trainee Actuarial Consultant
- Inside Careers: Search for Actuarial employers and advice on career paths
- Mercer: Actuarial analyst and consulting analyst career opportunities
- Hymans Robertson
- Axa
- Deloitte
- First Actuarial: A medium sized firm
- Willis Towers Watson: A wide range of programmes in the UK and globally
- XPS Pension Group: A large pensions and investment consultancy
- Barnett Waddingham: Trainee consultant, analyst and internship opportunities
- Aon: Actuarial consulting team plus 8 other strands of graduate programmes
- Standard Life
- Redington: Consulting and Fund research and Asset Liability Management graduate opportunities and internships
- The Actuary Jobs
Find out more
- University of Kent: Vacancy Database
- Institute of Actuaries: How to become an actuary
- Inside Careers: In depth information about careers in Pensions, Insurance, Actuarial careers, Intellectual Property and Accountancy
- The job board for actuaries
- 10 tips to prepare for an actuarial interview
- Where can I find a trainee actuary job?
Actuarial science graduates can also enter a wide range of other careers that utilise their mathematical skills including:
- Finance, Accountancy, Insurance, Tax, Operational research, Teaching find out more on these links to University of Kent pages