How the PAL scheme works
During your first year at the University, you will be allocated to a PAL group* on an opt-out basis. Your PAL leader will be in the stage above you and will previously have completed the course/module PAL is linked to.
Your PALL will arrange a group meeting early on in the first term to bring everyone together and to establish how meetings will work and how often to meet.
The scheme is run on an opt-out basis, so you will automatically be included in a group from the beginning. However, you are free to opt out whenever you wish. The only advice we would give is that you should, at least, try to attend your first meeting to find out a bit more about the support you can receive from your PALL.
*Not all courses/modules will have a PALL. However, we hope that in the near future, we will have PALLs in every school, covering the majority of courses and numerous core modules. Please contact to check if there is an available PALL for your course/core module(s) if you have not been automatically allocated.
The kinds of support PAL Leaders offer may be:
- Sharing tips and advice on university life
- Encouraging you to voice the challenges you may be facing on a course or module
- Helping you to develop your independent learning skills
- Providing advice on time management and organisation skills
- Sign-posting support and resources