Extended Library loans

For part-time students and students with Inclusive Learning Plans (ILPs)

You get library items for longer

If you're a part-time student or have an inclusive learning plan from Student Support and Wellbeing, you automatically get to keep:

  • 3 day loans for up to 5 days
  • 7 day loans for up to 2 weeks.

How extended loans work

They will automatically renew 2 days before they are due. If someone reserves an item, you must return it by the due date or you'll get a fine. This can be the next day, if someone reserves the item just before it can auto-renew.    

You can renew them manually

You can do this by logging into your library account in LibrarySearch.

If you're not on campus every day, you can manually renew the items in advance to make sure your next due date is a day you're in.    

If you can't get to campus

You can return your item by post. We take the posting date as the date of return, so you will not be fined for the days the book is in the post.    


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Last updated