Using KentVision

How to complete My tuition fees (finance registration)

Once you have completed enrolment (new students) or Returning Registration (continuing students), you will automatically be sent through to the My tuition fees screen, which is your finance registration. The deadline for completing this is Monday 10 February 2025 for January 2025 starters. See our blog post for full payment deadlines.

Please see the below video and text guidance for how to complete My Tuition Fees on KentVision. There are also FAQs below.

More information about how to pay tuition and accommodation fees can be found on the Welcome pages.

Review your summary

The first screen you will see is called My tuition fees - Finance registration. You will see slightly different text depending on whether you are an Undergraduate, Postgraduate Taught or Postgraduate Research student.

You will be shown a table summarising your tuition fees and any outstanding balance.

My tuition fees

This shows your tuition fees.

My funding

This will show details of any confirmed student loans funding, University of Kent scholarships or bursaries, or any other approved sponsorship.

If you do not have any confirmed funding yet in place, this section will not be visible to you. If you are in the process of obtaining funding, but have not yet received it, there will be the opportunity for you to inform us of this in the next screen.

My deposit

If you have paid a deposit, this will show the details of any deposits which have been added to KentVision.

Balance to be paid by you

This shows the amount that you will be invoiced.

Other funding

If we have not yet received your full tuition fees, you will be asked to detail other funding, and will be shown a list of other funding options, which include:

  • Tuition fee loan
  • University of Kent scholarship or bursary
  • UK Government Postgraduate loan
  • Foreign Government loan or award
  • Other sponsorship
  • Self-paying (which includes if a parent, relative, friend or any other person is paying you directly)

If you are paying your own fees, you can choose if you would like someone else to be able to talk to us about your fees and funding. If you choose yes, you will be asked to input their contact information.

Confirm your payment method

Once you have reviewed your summary screen and, where applicable, inputted contact information, you will then be asked to confirm your payment method. You will see slightly different text depending on whether you are an Undergraduate, Postgraduate Taught or Postgraduate Research student.

If you need to make a payment, you will be given the option to pay:

  • Online by credit/debit card
  • Online in two 50% installments by credit/debit card
  • By Western Union Money Transfer
  • By bank transfer

If you need to make a payment, choosing one of the above options will take you to the third party payment service.

All options will include:

  • I have already paid my tuition feeds in full
  • I have already set up online instalments 

You will now have completed registering your tuition fees information.

What's next?

While you wait for us to register you, and confirm this via email, you can have a look at what else you can complete before you arrive on campus, or have a look at the Arrivals Hub checklist (Canterbury) or the Gillingham building reception (Medway) for when you arrive.

Who to contact

If you have a financial query on your record, please contact the Income Office.

Scholarship and fee waiver FAQs

If you are in receipt of US Federal Student Aid (US Direct Loans) or Canadian Government Student Loan, the Income Office will manually set your records to reflect their funding method, even if it does not appear that you have completed financial registration correctly.

If you are a US Federal Student Aid (US Direct Loan) recipient and you are unsure if you have completed the required steps to secure your loan, please email

If your scholarship, fee waiver or discount is not currently appearing in your account, you will receive an invoice for your full programme fees for the academic year.

You are only required to pay for any outstanding fees minus the value of any scholarship you have.

For example, if you have received a fee invoice for £8,000 and you have a scholarship discount of £3,000, you only need to pay £5,000. Please note, if you have a complete fee waiver, you are not required to pay anything towards your fees.

You will be able to pay any outstanding balance online through bank transfer or our epay system. You can also still pay your fees in instalments of 50% prior to registration (in September), and the remainder in December.

If you are unable to complete your Finance registration because your scholarship or discount is not appearing in your in your student account, please contact the Scholarships team.

For any other queries, please contact the Income Office.

Last updated