Feeling overwhelmed? Struggling with deadlines? Issues with flatmates? Financial hardship? Illness or injury? Missing home?
Lots of things can make it difficult to do your best and fully engage with your studies. Whatever the situation, contact the team when things first happen, so that we can help.
In addition to general support for personal circumstances and help to settle into University life, we can also provide information, guidance and support for the specific topics below:
For more details on Welfare and Community Life, please also see the SW&CL webpage.
Email, call, drop-in or schedule an appointment to meet the team in-person or on Teams.
We are available Monday - Friday, 9am - 4pm.
For more information regarding how we process student information, please see our Student Engagement Privacy Notice.
Email: natssupport@kent.ac.uk
Phone: 01227 816577
Ingram Building, Room G31 (Ground Floor)
Access Guide for Ingram Building
Email: HSSsupport@kent.ac.uk
Phone: 01227 816540
Sibson Building, multiple rooms (ask at Sibson Reception).
Access Guide for Sibson Building
Email: artshumssupport@kent.ac.uk
Phone: 01227 827780 & 01227 823075
Meeting appointments for ARTSHUMS
Cornwallis West, Rooms 154-158 (First Floor)
Email: kbssupport@kent.ac.uk
Phone Canterbury : 01227 824187 / Phone Medway: 01634 888853
Sibson Building, Rooms G15 and G02, Canterbury (ask at Sibson Reception).
Access Guide for Sibson Building
Medway Building, Room M3-12, Medway
Email: LSSJengagementsupport@kent.ac.uk
Phone Canterbury: 01227 824373 / Phone Medway: 01634 888853
Elliot Extension, Room 118, Canterbury
Access Guide for Elliot Extension Building
Medway Building, Room M3-12, Medway
Email: StudentWelfare@kent.ac.uk
Email: CommunityLife@kent.ac.uk
Phone: 01227 827010 (Welfare) and 01227 823141 (Community Life)
Meeting appointments for SW&CL
Drop-In Monday-Friday 11.00 - 13.00, 14.00 - 16.00
Keynes College Building, Room M1.12 (First Floor)
Access Guide for Keynes College Building
Webpage: Student Welfare and Community Life - Student life - University of Kent
Phone: 01634 888853
Meeting appointments for Medway students (in-person)
KBS Teams meeting appointments (online)
LSSJ Teams meeting appointments (online)
Medway Building, Room M3-12
Access Guide for the Medway Building
If you find that you are struggling to engage then Engagement Support is here to help.
Please see the information below, and contact us if you have questions.
Registering Attendance, Attendance and Engagement Policy, Procedure and Procedure Flowchart.