Students requiring adapted arrangements for university examinations will need to register with Student Support & Wellbeing and ask for an Inclusive Learning Plan. Please make an appointment to meet one of our Disability Advisers for more information.
Disability-related exam arrangements can only be provided if you are registered with Student Support and Wellbeing, and provide some form of medical evidence e.g. Educational Psychologist's report, medical letter.
Visual Guide: How do I get Adjusted Exam Arrangements?
![This is a flowchart for 'How do I get adjusted exam arrangements?'](
Alternative text for adjusted exam arrangements flowchart image
Text version of exam adjustment flowchart image: How do I get adjusted exam arrangements?
1) Do you have an inclusive learning plan?
= Yes 2) Are you happy with it?
- = Yes: You're ready for exams, go and study!
- = No: You need to revise your ILP
= No 3) Do you have Medical Evidence / Specific Learning Difficulties (dyslexia, dyspraxia, ADHD) report?
- = Yes: You're ready to get an ILP: Contact Student Support and ask for an Adviser appointment
= No: Is your condition a) a Specific Learning Difficulty or b) Disability, chronic condition, or mental health concern?
- = a) a Specific Learning Difficulty: Contact Student Support and Wellbeing and ask for a screening appointment
- = b) Disability, chronic condition or mental health concern: ask your doctor for medical evidence and send it to (Canterbury) or (Medway).
Further information can be found on the Exams Office website.