All exam papers (and relevant supplementary materials) are timed so they become visible in Examination section (or Resit Examination section in the case of resits) of your modules on the date and time listed on the examinations timetable.
Your exam paper will not be visible to you before this (however the answer booklet and Turnitin inboxes will be).
If you still can't see your exam paper after the date and time on the examinations timetable, please contact your Divisional Student Support Team.
Where applicable, any supplementary materials required for your exam will be uploaded into the dedicated Examination section (or Resit Examination section in the case of resits) of your Moodle module, alongside the exam paper itself.
Turnitin is the most widely used method of electronic submission at the University and is therefore familiar to a large number of students and staff.
Both Turnitin inboxes are anonymised and therefore, when your answers are marked, we need a way of being able to associate your answer booklet with your student record.
We have to use your exam number to do this.
Your exam number is the six digit code printed in red on your University of Kent student ID card.
If you don't have access to your student ID card, please contact
All Moodle modules will have a main inbox (open for 24 hours) and a late inbox (open for 24 hours). If you are unable to submit your completed answer booklet to the main inbox you should use the late inbox. If you make a late submission you must email your Divisional Student Support Team with a short supporting statement explaining why your submission is late.
If your lecturer needs to notify you of any problems with the exam paper or needs to clarify any element of the paper, they will do this within the Moodle Announcements forum at the top of the relevant Moodle module.
Whilst you can check the announcements forum at any time; we recommend that you check your Moodle communication preferences to ensure that new announcements are also automatically emailed to your University email address.
To ensure you receive forum messages via email; log into Moodle and click on the notifications menu 'bell' icon in the bar at the top, then click on the cog icon to view your notification preferences. On the page the follows, ensure that Forum: Subscribed forum posts is set to 'on' for email (online and offline).
If you need to add a few lines of handwritten text, it is fine to do this via photos. If you need large paragraphs to explain your working, we would recommended that you type this unless you have been explicitly told by your School that you can hand-write and photograph your full answers.
A very small number of students may notice that they receive a second digital receipt via email - this may be hours or days after you submitted your answer booklet.
This is nothing to worry about. The reason this happens is because some School administration teams are monitoring the exam inboxes and may reprocess any submissions where students have inadvertently identified themselves in the file name (e.g. the file name included the student's name or IT username). The reprocessing of the submission will remove the identifying information.
This is done in the students' interest in order to preserve anonymity. The reprocessing of a submission will generate a new digital receipt via email. Don't worry, the original submission date and time will have been noted by the School.
A very small number of modules will use a Moodle Quiz to deliver the multiple choice component of an exam.
If this affects you, your Division will send specific instructions on how to undertake these exams.
Turnitin allows the submission of files up to 100mb.
Files larger than this will not be accepted.
We have prepared specific guidance on compressing images in order to reduce file sizes, where applicable.
We are using a pre-prepared answer booklet in order to reduce the likelihood of any technical issues upon submission and to allow students to include images, equations, code and annotations within their submission.
The answer booklet should be submitted in its original file format (.docx). This is to reduce the likelihood of any technical issues whilst uploading your completed answer booklet.
You are permitted, where circumstances prevent you from saving as a .docx file, to save and submit the answer booklet as a text-based PDF file.
Please note; this must be a text-based PDF and must be derived from the answer booklet. Turnitin cannot process image-based PDF files (such as those generated by PDF scanning software).
In order to make the marking and administration process easier for your School, you must include your six digit exam number and module code in the file name (e.g. "123456 ABCD1234 Answer Booklet").
In order to preserve anonymity, please do not include either your name or IT username in the answer booklet or the file name.
Your School will use your six digit exam number to correlate your answer booklet with your student record, so it's important to remember to include this.
For any access-related issues, please contact the IT & Library Support Desk.
If you experience any technical issues whilst uploading your completed answer booklet, don't panic; make a note of the issue and any error messages you may see.
Restart your browser and then try submitting again.
If the problem persists, please contact the IT & Library Support Desk. Please provide the date, time and module code.
If, after making a submission, you notice you've made an error (for example, you've incorrectly titled the document or submitted the wrong file) don't worry; all exam inboxes allow students to make resubmissions within the 24 hour window.
Simply make the required changes to your answer booklet and then Online Exams - technical guidance for studentsre-submit the document.