Self-help Resource List

A list of external resources and services offering support and information for students.

The resources below are intended for guidance only, and the views expressed or advice given by any of these organisations are not the responsibility of the University of Kent.

You may also find the articles on the Student Support and Wellbeing blog helpful.  

If you have ideas about other organisations that might be listed here, please email


  • Gam Care: the leading UK provider of free information, advice and support for anyone harmed by gambling.
  • Gamblers Anonymous offers various aids for the compulsive gambler including a forum, a chat room, literature and most importantly a meeting finder. 
  • YGam - Gaming and gambling advice and support for students and young people.

General support while studying

Kent Union's Student Advice Centre offers free, confidential and impartial advice for all students studying at the University of Kent. They offer advice on financial issues, student visas, housing concerns and academic issues.

The Engagement Blog has been designed to help anyone experiencing problems in attending and engaging teaching sessions, consisting of interactive sections and packed full of friendly advice.  

Wellbeing and self-help books: A collection of books, both electronic and print format, on self help and wellbeing subjects  

  • There is an active Mindfulness community at Kent who is always ready to welcome new students: find out more on the Mindfulness web page.  
  •  YouTube videos – search for guided meditations with Jon Kabat-Zinn or Mark Williams.   
  • The School of Music and Fine Art in collaboration with the Counselling and Wellbeing team and the Student Learning Advisory Service have produced a Meditation Mix on Spotify: a sound track of guided meditations and original compositions to help students deal with stress and anxiety.  
  • For various apps to aid your wellbeing, from mood trackers to meditation mixes, relaxation aids and background ambient sound apps, check out the Wellbeing category of the Software Finder.

Student Space can offer one-to-one support for whatever challenge you’re facing, designed for students. Whether it’s your mental health, your studies, money, housing or relationships, there is support available through TextWebchatPhone or Email.

There is now dedicated support for students who have been most impacted by the pandemic including: 

  • Muslim students: helpline service for young Muslims, offering support and signposting seven days a week by phone, Whatsapp, webchat and email.


TED talks

Grief and bereavement

  • Cruse Bereavement Care: national charity offers group and one-to-one support to those who have been bereaved: 08456 030024. 
  • Marie Curie: practical advice and confidential support covering all aspects of terminal illness and bereavement for patients, and their families and friends. 
  • Winston’s Wish: A national charity supporting children, and parents of children, who have been bereaved.  
  • AtaLoss: a charity enabling bereaved people to find bereavement support, practical information, and resources. This service is free of charge to everyone across the UK.
  • Bereavement Support for Medical Students - a compassionate space for information and sharing that specifically addresses the experience of loss during medical training and the unique aspects of that for medical students.
  • Funeral Guide: A new bereavement and grief support resource specifically for students.

Sexual Assault, Harassment, Abuse and Discrimination

For extensive information on support available from a specialist Wellbeing Adviser at the University of Kent, as well as external resources, please look at our web pages on Sexual Assault and Harassment.

  • East Kent Rape Crisis Centre offer support to male and female victims of sexual abuse. Crisis Helpline: 0800 4582818, 18:30 to 21:30 Monday-Friday.  Counselling available via:  01227 451753. Referrals can be taken Monday to Friday 09:00 – 17:00
  • Family Matters offer counselling for children and adult survivors of sexual abuse - 01474 536661.
  • The Survivors Trust: Offers resources and links to services, as well as guidance for those supporting survivors. 
  • National Ugly Mugs: National organisation offering access to justice and protection for sex workers. Email: Telephone: 0161 629 9861 

  • Revenge Porn Helpline: email: Telephone: 0345 6000 459
  • SPITE: Free legal advice to victims-survivors of revenge porn.
  • Stop NCII is a project operated by the Revenge Porn Helpline. It introduces innovative technology that is used by tech companies to help people from becoming victims by preventing sharing of specific intimate images.

  • National Centre for Domestic Violence provides a free service for those experiencing domestic violence and abuse to be able to gain protection, and access support and legal advice.  
  • Surviving Economic Abuse works in conjunction with other frontline organisations to help people experiencing financial abuse access support.
  • Haloproject - A specialist support service for Black and Minoritized women and girls experiencing or at risk of domestic and sexual abuse, forced marriage and violence.

  • Respond: National charity working with people with learning disabilities subjected to abuse or violence, which offers a range of evidence-based trauma, informed services for young people and adults. Telephone: 020 7383 0700, Email:  
  • DeafHope from SignHealth: Offers practical and emotional support to Deaf people subjected to domestic abuse. Text: 07966 976749. Email: Telephone: 020 3947 2600

  • Ashiana Network:  Refuge, counselling and advice for Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) women and girls (14+) who have experienced domestic abuse. Telephone: 020 8539 0427  
  • Iranian and Kurdish Women’s Rights Organisation: Telephone: Mon to Fri 9.30-5.30: 0207 920 6460. For out-of-hours emergencies call: Kurdish / Arabic/English: 07846 275246; Farsi / Dari / English: 07846 310157 
  • Jewish Women’s Aid: Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0808 801 0500. Sexual Violence Support Line: 0808 801 0656 
  • Karma Nirvana Offers support to victim-survivors of ‘honour’ based abuse and forced marriage. Telephone: 0800 5999 247 | Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm  
  • Latin American Women’s Aid: 9:30am to 5:30pm: 0753 442 4826 (Spanish and English); 0730 830 5295 (Portuguese and English – from 2 pm to 5:30 pm) 
  • Muslim Women’s Network Helpline: Email: Telephone: 07415 206936 or 0800 999 5786 
  • Southall Black Sisters Telephone: 0208 571 9595, Monday to Friday. 9:00am – 5:00pm 

  • Stop Hate UK operate the UK’s only 24 hour free anti-Hate Crime reporting service for all persons, as well as providing support.
  • Racism GRT is a hate incident reporting site and support service that is run by and for Gypsy, Traveller and Roma communities in the UK  
  • Tell mama is a service with allows individuals to report anti-Muslim abuse, whether that experience is a result of your Muslim faith, or being interpreted as Muslim
  •– work to protect Jewish communities, they offer support as well as a reporting service. They also have a 24 hour emergency contact number 0800 032 3263
  • On your side- for anybody in the UK who identifies as part of an East or Southeast Asian community. Support and a reporting facility for anyone experiencing or witnessing racism.
  • Zoteria -  app for reporting LGBTQIA+ hate crimes 
  • Galop - the LGBT+ anti-abuse charity
  • LGBT foundation
  • Hour glass - support for older people for financial, sexual, psychological, physical, domestic and/or neglectful abuse

  • Bullies out - offers e-mentoring as well as a counselling service. They also have lots of information and advice on their website.
  • Give us a Shout - Shout85258 - a free and confidential text messaging service to access support for anyone who is experiencing a difficult time with bullying, or any other challenges
  • National bullying helpline - - National Bullying Helpline has two phonelines which offer support to people experiencing bullying including cyberbullying and blackmail, available 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday. Freephone on 0300 323 0169

Mental health

  • Mindful Healthcare: a service for anyone experiencing anxiety. It provides coping strategies and suggests further help for those in need. Mindful Healthcare can provide a free 20 minute consultation, free support webinars and online video therapy.

Social anxiety

Panic attacks

Health anxiety

  • Phobias self-help guide: Work through a self-help guide for phobias that uses cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT).  

  • East Kent Early Intervention in Psychosis Service - 01227 812390: This service is based in Littlebourne Road, Canterbury. They are a specialist team who work with people between 14 and 65 who experience symptoms of psychosis for the first time.   

  • Samaritans, a National helpline 116 123. Canterbury & Medway 0330 094 5717.
  • Papyrus / Hopeline, a charity providing support for young people who are experiencing suicidal thoughts. Papyrus can support you if you’re worried about a friend who may be suicidal. 

Mental Health Matters run a number of safe haven drop-in services in Kent, open from 6pm until 11pm every day of the year.

They offer a non-clinical, non-judgemental service with an emphasis on providing support to those experiencing distress, as well as supporting people to access potential services and opportunities in the wider community.

Anyone over the age of 16 is welcome and you do not need to be registered with a mental health service. In-person (Canterbury city centre) and virtual services available.

QWELL -A FREE digital mental wellbeing support for adults across the UK.


  • Aucademy: education for all by Autistic educators.
  • For tips for looking after your mental health for autistic students, have a look at Give Us A Shout 
  • PRO Autism is an organisation that works to improve prospects, recruitment and opportunities for young autistic adults.
  • SEE Autistic Women are a local group for self- diagnosed and diagnosed autistic women. 

Physical health

  • The University Nursing Service on the Canterbury campus offers a confidential drop in service, which provides support and advice, including contraceptive advice, and can arrange emergency contraception via the University Medical Centre.
  • Gate clinic (Canterbury) provides sexual health screening by appointment only. To book contact 0300 790 0245 (within working hours).
  • Clover Street (Medway) provides sexual health screening by appointment only. To book contact 0300 123 1678 (within working hours).
  • National Sexual Health Helpline can be contacted on 0300 123 7123 for medical or sexual health advice provided by The Department of Health and Social Care.
  • Metro Sexual Health provides advocacy and advice. You can also request free condoms and other contraception. 
  • Online STI testing service is a service through which you can order a screening kit to be sent to your UK address. 

Chronic pain

  • Arthritis Action: a UK charity giving hands on, practical help to improve the quality of life for people affected by arthritis.

Relationships, sexuality, and gender

  • Switchboard LGBT+ Helpline: a safe space for anyone to discuss anything, including sexuality, gender identity, sexual health and emotional well-being.
  • Metro is an equality and diversity charity providing health, community and youth services in England.
  • The Be You Project connects young people in Kent who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, non-binary or are questioning their sexual orientation and / or gender identity.

Support under pressure

  • Rethink Carers Support Group: aims to help carers and their partners, relatives and friends with a wide range of mental health problems, including accessing the information they need. 
  • Carers Support offers support to those who care for a relative or friend –or 01304 364637. 
  • Carers First: a UK registered charity working with unpaid carers to provide practical information and advice. 

Citizen’s Advice Bureau: information that you need to make the right choices, including help to deal with your debt problems and how to get your finances back into shape.  

Porchlight Canterbury offer local support to those who may find themselves homeless - 01227 760078 or 0800 567 7699.   

Please note that these resources and services are provided by external organisations and not part of the support services offered at Kent. The University of Kent will not accept any responsibility for any action taken as a result of the content, guidance or advice given by the organisations listed.

Last updated