The Mental Health Team consists of Mental Health Advisers and Mentors, who can help you with issues such as stress, anxiety, depression, adjusting to university life, and relationship difficulties. We also offer frequent workshops, groups and events to enhance and maintain your wellbeing throughout the year.
Please contact Student Support and Wellbeing to make an appointment with a Mental Health Adviser.
Mental Health Advisers
Mental Health Advisers are specialist practitioners who can offer mental health advice and support. They can provide short term focused interventions to promote wellbeing and support you to develop coping strategies.
Mental Health Advisers can signpost you to further information and support, and identify necessary reasonable adjustments where mental health difficulties may be impacting on academic studies.
My Mental Health Adviser has helped me deal with and ride out the ups and downs in my mental health.
Inclusive Learning Plans (ILPs)
Inclusive Learning Plans (ILPs) are created by Mental Health Advisers, and specify reasonable adjustments for the programme of study, including assessments, and exams. You should contact Student Support and Wellbeing as soon as possible if you think you might need adapted arrangements for exams.
Mental Health Mentors
Mental Health Advisers can discuss whether you might benefit from regular support from a Mental Health Mentor, which can be accessed through the Disabled Student's Allowance (DSA). For international students, we’ve got an international mentoring programme.
Specialist Wellbeing team
Our Specialist Wellbeing Team can offer support and advice on sexual assault and harassment, bullying and hate incidents, and tailored support for care-experienced students, care-giving students, and students estranged from their families.
Next steps - how to get support
After contacting us, we’ll organise an initial meeting with either a Mental Health Adviser or counsellor to find out what may be the best form of support.
You can discuss with your Adviser how your difficulties are affecting you. The Mental Health adviser can arrange relevant support, advice and practical assistance to help whilst studying.
If it's difficult to come to our offices in Canterbury or Medway, online or telephone appointment appointments can be requested.
24/7 support
Phone, text and WhatsApp support
All Kent students have access to phone, text and WhatsApp support from trained mental health professionals via our in-the-moment, 24/7 support partner Spectrum Life.
Online support platform
We also provide access to Togetherall, an online peer-support platform moderated by professionals, where you can talk about a range of issues and access short wellbeing courses.
On-campus services
We also work with colleagues at the University Nursing Service and Campus Security to provide in-person support and assistance outside of office hours.
External resources
You can also find a list of useful services and information linked to from our self-help resources page.