What is the Consent. Get It. Full Stop. campaign?
The University of Kent has launched a sex-positive campaign to cultivate and strengthen a culture of consent in our community of staff and students.
Join us in making our university the safest it can be.
- We want you to know what the procedures, expectations, and actions taken within the university are.
- We want to be transparent with you about our approach and response to sexual misconduct and harassment.
- We want you to know the support we offer and how you can access it.
Are you safe?
If you are in danger or need of urgent medical care or attention, please call 999 immediately and ask for an ambulance/police.
See our urgent support page.
Consent is agreeing by choice and having the freedom and capacity to make that choice.
- A person is free to make a choice if nothing bad would happen to them if they said no.
- Capacity is about whether someone is physically and/or mentally able to make a choice and to understand the consequences of that choice.
Getting consent might at first seem tricky – but it is necessary for all sexual activity.
Getting consent does not have to be awkward.
Checking in with your partner(s) and making sure they're enjoying what you're doing, or would like to do, is sexy!
You can get consent by...
- Making sure the interest is mutual before any physical touch.
- "Is this OK?" is a good phrase to use, for example, when asking for permission before changing the type or level of sexual activity.
- Reassuring your partner(s) that you can stop at any time. Consent is revocable - people are free to change their minds.
- Every now and then asking "Do you like this?" or "Is this still ok?" - not only ensures that you still have consent but that you are doing things in a way that's enjoyable for your partner(s)!
You can give consent by...
- Giving positive feedback when you’re enjoying or comfortable engaging in a certain sexual activity.
- Using explicit affirmative words like "Yes" or other affirmative statements "That sounds good" or "I’m open to trying.”
How to make sure you have consent?
- Have they enthusiastically said that they want to do it?
- Are they happily and willingly responding?
- Is everyone equally leading what’s happening?
- Have they slowed down?
- Did they say 'maybe', 'I'm not sure' or showed hesitation?
- Have they said they want to stop? Or suggested doing something else?
- Are they under the influence of alcohol or drugs and unconscious?
- Have they moved away from you?
We have events and initiatives coming up. Follow #ConsentGetIt to stay up-to-date.
As part of our aim to be transparent with you and make sure you know where to get support, we have put together the following guides:
- How to submit a report on Report + Support (Video Guide)
- How to get support for Sexual Assault and Harassment
We are taking action. Will you help us put a full stop to sexual assault and misconduct?
Do you need support?
If you have experienced sexual assault or harassment, you can seek help from within the University. See guidance for students
Annual Report: incidents submitted through Report + Support
Our aim is to ensure transparency, accountability, and proactive intervention in addressing incidents and promoting inclusivity and respect within the University of Kent community. To achieve this, we compile annual reports based on the incidents submitted through Report + Support.