Additional Support and Clubs

Student Support and Wellbeing are passionate about providing support to students throughout their time at university. Whether this is to make friends with like-minded students, or get more information on specific subjects, we hope you find something that interests you.

Our events calendar can also be found at the bottom of our homepage.

women running

Social Running for ADHD

Where: Next to reception in the Sports Centre
When: Every Wednesday during term time  from12-12:45

Boost focus and improve wellbeing with these friendly jog and chat sessions.  No experience necessary.

Our experienced staff will support you, meeting you in the Sports Centre reception.

This group is for students either diagnosed with or waiting for assessment for ADHD.

You will be guided on a 30-40min jog and talk across campus.

All abilities welcome. 

bowl of raspberries

Sow Grow and Eat!

Where: Meet at SSW reception (Keynes H Block)  and walk to the  Oasis Garden with a SSW Adviser

When: 12:45pm some Wednesdays 
Please see booking form below to choose which session you would like to attend.  

Do you experience social anxiety?

Are you autistic or think you might be?

If you’re answer is yes to either of these, join us for this supported and friendly small group session and learn about the garden, sustainable food systems and have a go at growing food to cook, eat and share.  

See our events website to see dates  book onto a session.

mechanical model

Autism Model Making Club

Where: Kennedy Seminar Room 6 

When: Every Wednesdays From 16:00 to 18:00

A weekly social club for autistic students who enjoy making and painting models.

Come and join the modelling club to meet other autistic students and enjoy being creative. No experience necessary and all materials are provided, please email for more information. Everyone is welcome.

If you have concerns about finding the place, email about your intention to attend so we can arrange for someone to meet and accompany you.

Please follow @UniKentSSW on Instagram for news on other events and peer support groups taking place throughout the year.


Board Games Social Club

Where: K-bar Red Room, Keynes College, University of Kent (Keynes College - Maps - University of Kent)

When: Every Wednesday from 14:30 to 16:00

A weekly social club for students who enjoy board games.

Come and join the social board games club to meet other students! Everyone is welcome.Each week the group decide which game they would like to play at the start of the session from a wide selection of games available. Alternatively, pairs can break away and select their own game. 

If you have concerns about finding the place, email about your intention to attend so we can arrange for someone to meet and accompany you.

Please follow @UniKentSSW on Instagram for news on other events and peer support groups taking place throughout the year.


University of Kent Autistics Social Group

Where: Keynes Lounge (L1.02), Keynes College, University of Kent (Keynes College - Maps - University of Kent)

When: Every Tuesday 16:00 - 18:00

As a student at the university who is diagnosed, or self-identifies as Autistic* you are welcome to attend our informal Autistic meet-up group (*including older diagnoses of Asperger’s, or someone who just wants to investigate the possibility of being autistic).

A relaxed social space for neurodivergent folk to spend time together.

UoKA is accepting of all: women, men, non-binary, and trans+ are welcome to attend.

Facilitated by Autistic people for Autistic people.

If you don’t know where it is or its your first time coming, Annette Foster ( can meet people at the front entrance of The Keynes Building at 3:45pm and we can walk up there together. Email Annette ( if you want to meet me at the entrance or if have any questions.


ADHD Peer Support Group

Where: Online Via Teams (Please email or if you are interested in attending or would like some more information)

When: Biweekly group on a Wednesday afternoons online, 14:00 - 15:00. Specific dates can be found on the events calendar. 

Would you benefit from meeting other students with ADHD?

Whether you’re seeking a diagnosis or have been assessed already the challenges associated with ADHD can be lessened when we support each other and share effective strategies. We’ll be discussing a different topic each time we meet and there’ll be space for all to contribute. We’ll be running a biweekly group on a Wednesday afternoon in Canterbury.


Counselling Team Mindfulness Colouring - with Nexus

Where: Templeman Library (Templeman Library - Maps - University of Kent

When: November 12th & December 10th 2024 from 12:00-14:00

Members of the counselling team will be available to answer any queries you may have about therapy and Mindfulness. We encourage anyone who would like to take some time to de-stress and unwind. There is no need to sign up, please show up between 12-2pm.

Last updated