Academic Appeal submission guide

Appeal Submission Guide

On this page you will find a quick appeal submission guide designed to help you submit your academic appeal. It is applicable to all appeal types in the Formal Appeal stage. 

You will also find key information with links that will take you to more detailed descriptions on other webpages.  

Appeal Submission Guide

Follow this guide to make sure that you read all the important information before you submit your appeal


Formal decision

  • Have you received your formal results following the Board of Examiners meeting (available on KentVision)?
  • Have you received an email or a letter with another formal decision about your studies?

Can I talk to anyone about my results?

Want to talk to anyone to discuss your results and your options?

See contact information

What can't I appeal against?

You can't appeal against academic judgement.

You also can't appeal based on a lack of awareness of the relevant procedure or regulations.

Read about academic judgement

Early Resolution

  • You must submit your early resolution request within 7-calendar days of publication of formal results or date of a formal decision about your studies.
  • Your Division will reply to you within 14-calendar days.
Read about early resolution
Not happy with the Divisional response to your early resolution?

Formal appeal deadlines (after early resolution)

  • You must submit your Formal Appeal within 14-calendar days after you receive the outcome to your early resolution.
Read about different types of appeal
Haven't requested an early resolution?

Formal appeal deadlines (no early resolution)

  • If you did not submit an early resolution request, you can submit a formal appeal within 28-calendar days of publication of your results or other formal decision.
  • You have to provide a valid reason why you didn’t submit an early resolution request.
Read about different types of appeal

Planning your formal appeal

  • Make sure you read information about technical conditions.
  • Make sure you read information about evidence you need to include with your appeal.
  • See appeal questions.
  • Kent Union Advice Centre can help you with your submission (Kent students only).
Contact Kent Union Advice Centre

Complete and submit an appeal form

  • Once you have read all the relevant information (see Planning your formal appeal above) you can complete and submit your formal appeal.
  • Please note that you will be sent an exact copy of your appeal form to the email address you provide on the form.
Appeal forms

Await your formal appeal outcome

  • Formal appeals are processed by the Quality Assurance and Compliance Office.
  • We will send the outcome of your formal appeal within 28-calendar days to the email addresses you provided on your appeal form.
Visit 'What happens when I submit my appeal?'
Not happy with the outcome of your formal appeal?

Appeal Review

  • You must submit an appeal review request within 7-calendar days of receiving your formal appeal outcome.
  • You will be give information on further steps available to you in the formal appeal outcome.
Information about Appeal Reviews

Questions asked in appeal forms

Read the questions you will be asked when submitting a formal appeal. You must answer all questions indicated by an asterisk *

We will ask you to provide the following information about you as a student:

  • Your surname*
  • Your preferred name (first name)* - enter your first name that you prefer to be used.
  • Your Kent Student ID* - it is an 8-digit number that you can find on the back of your KentOne card. If you don't have a KentOne card, enter 99999999.
  • Your University email* -, 

If you are unable to do so, please contact for a hard copy form.

We will ask you to provide the following information about you as a student (continued):

  • Your personal email - we strongly advise that you provide your personal email address so that we can contact you if your University/Institution account is due to be closed (if you are a final year student or if you have been withdrawn from your studies). Please be mindful who has access to your personal email address as we will also send a copy of the appeal outcome if you provide one.
  • Whether you are sponsored under the Tier 4/Student Route*
  • What is your School/Institution* - you will have to pick your School/Institution from the dropdown list.
  • What course you are studying*
  • Stage [applicable only to students on taught courses] - which stage you are currently studying.

You will be asked the following questions about early resolution:

  • Have you submitted an early resolution request to your Division?*
    • if you answer YES - What was the Division’s response to your early resolution request?
    • if you answer NO - Provide reasons why you did not submit an early resolution request to your Division?

See more information about Early Resolution.

You will be asked the following questions:

  • Have you submitted a complaint about this matter via the Complaints Procedure for Students?*
    • If you answer YES -  Please provide the date when you submitted your complaint and details of the outcome if available. 
    • If you answer NO - you won't be asked any more details.

Please remember that we sometimes may have to pause the investigation of an appeal while your complaint is dealt with. We will inform you if we do this.    

See more information about student complaints.

You will be asked the following questions:  

  • Please provide the date when your results/formal decision were made available*.
  • If you are submitting your formal appeal  beyond the deadline, please provide the reasons why. 

Note: If you are submitting your formal appeal within the deadline, you don’t have to answer the question above.

See information about appeal deadlines.

See information about publication of formal results for undergraduate and postgraduate taught students.

You will be asked the following question: 

  • Describe the error you believe has occurred*.

You will be asked the following questions:

  • Describe the evidence of illness or other extenuating circumstances that is now available and that you couldn't submit to the Division by the deadlines for mitigation*.
  • Please explain the reason why you were not able to present this evidence to the Division before* - This question is very important as students are normally expected to apply for mitigation at the time of the illness or extenuating circumstance.
  • Please explain the impact your extenuating circumstances had on your ability to perform in your assessments*.

OR, for appeals against the decision of the Academic Misconduct Committee:

  • Please explain how you believe your extenuating circumstances relate to your academic misconduct case*.

 You will be asked the following question:  

For appeals against the decision of the Board of Examiners:

  • Describe the evidence of bias in the assessment of your work*.

OR, for appeals against the decision of the Academic Misconduct Committee:

  • Describe the evidence of bias in the decision taken by the Chair or Academic Misconduct Committee*

OR, for appeals against the decision to withdraw you from your studies based on the Attendance and Engagement Policy:

  • Describe the evidence of bias in the way the decision was reached.

This question applies only to appeals against the decision of an Academic Misconduct Committee.

  • Please explain why you believe that your penalty or outcome was unreasonable taking into account the evidence that was available to the Academic Misconduct Committee or its Chair*.

Please consider carefully the evidence that was available to the Academic Misconduct Committee when a decision was made. If you have new evidence now, the Academic Misconduct Committee would not have been able to consider it at the time of making a decision.  

The question applies only to appeals against the decision to terminate a student’s registration as a result of the Attendance and Engagement Policy.

  • Describe why you believe the decision to terminate your registration was unreasonable or not justified, given the evidence which was available at the time the decision to terminate your studies was made*.  

Please make sure that you carefully consider which evidence was available to the Division when the decision was made. Any new evidence you can only now provide would not have been possible to include in the decision-making. Please consider whether such new evidence might suggest, for example, illness or other extenuating circumstances as a ground for appeal.


You will be asked the following question about the outcome you want to achieve in your appeal.

  • What is the outcome you are seeking for this appeal?*  

If you are appealing against the Decision of the Board of Examiners, you can read about available outcomes.

  • At the end of the appeal form you will be asked whether you have any evidence to support your appeal. 
  • You can upload up to five pieces of evidence each up to 10MB.
  • The file types that may be submitted are Word, Excel, PPT, PDF, Image, Video or Audio.
  •  If you have any larger pieces of evidence to submit, or more than five files, please email from your University/Institutional email account.   

Read more about appeal evidence.

This question only applies to appeals  against a decision related to a research student based on the Academic Regulations for Research Courses of Study.

You will have to indicate against which decision or recommendation you are appealing. These can be


Please carefully consider which decision you are appealing against.